developing of the info-observatory complex


Thinking about the future bears in it a dose of freedom that allows to cross the limitations imposed by realisation, concrete application, gravitation...
This kind of thinking is able to move the limits of possible actions or is at least hinting at problems of the social system's current state, built structure of the city, form of buildings and way of construction.

searching for the ideal city...

Aiming to explain the picture about elements constituting the city system and to describe the principles of their functioning, I relied on the examination of their opposites, of a complementary system. Through its creation, I define absolute limitation.
Researching this opposite, I dealt with the systematisation of the elements participating in the system, their relations and the problems trey cause.


The city is a system, a definite system. The life of the city develops in form of a spiral. It has its beginning and end. It’s conditioned by the changing of alive and non-alive elements influenced by the program and the information that reach them.

There are established analogies between ideas that refer to ALGORITHM in the sense of information and ALGORITHM – program in the context of the city like a system and of the city like an organism. Especially is underlined the analogy between the origin and life of the city and cosmic phenomena (origin of the cosmos, spiral galaxies, characteristics and relations of cosmic elements...), that influence the city like a BUILT STRUCTURE and like a system.

ALGORITHM is the city under the influence of outer definitions that are controlled by a program. Completely limited by the possibilities given by the program, the ALGORITHM is driven by outer powers, directed to realize extra-(physical) city aims and equipped with extra-(physical) city information that originates from before its beginning.

ALGORITHM is an unnatural city. Every city ALGORITHM is passing through phases of development – existence, that are known before. Consisted of different groups of elements (the elements are different from each other but their functions and general characteristics can be identified according to groups, tasks), all ALGORITHM cities pass the same phases (CYCLES) during their existence.

The development of the process is ensured by control of the three basic elements. These elements contain information – directives of the general progress and influence they have to realize in RELATIONS with other elements. The SOCIAL STRUCTURE has the most developed capability to get information and to initiate the execution of the definitions. The BUILT STRUCTURE is executed by the initiative of the SOCIAL STRUCTURE until to the edge of the first cycle, where it begins to exert influence on it and to build relations within the inner general group as with other elements.

City ALGORITHM is a social trap, it forces following of the rules that are given by the program, it conditions/causes the feeling of fulfillment ness and pleasure after correct completing of a task.


searching for the ideal city...


I want to control, give energy and information to the city. Another product of those activities is forming of a square that is a central place for the exchange of city products. (information, useful objects, living places...). by saying "control" I am thinking of an establishment, beginning of activities, that is in accordance with the control over general and specific work.

searching for the ideal city...


The aim is to find an algorithm that generates an infinite number of acceptable possibilities for city activities that in their endless variety fit together on infinite levels.

problem: criticism of the infinite lack of definition

The algorithm generates life itself because the realisation of every single possibility is a question of choice, and with the decision about the choice begins the existence of this possibility.

problem: I am a genius

I do not whish to materialize the existence of each one of these possibilities, I want to think out a scheme according to which they come into being, fitting freely into the flow, that already exists and that began with the beginning of the world.

problem: I fear to make a mistake

I want to continue the track. It is not on me to decide about its continuing or ending, I want to influence this track, more exactly, I wish to be in the position to influence what is following, knowing well what has been before.

problem: depression

The algorithm contains the elements of life. It depends on my capability of perception which elements I will notice and which ones I will be able to influence. It is my task to recognize the ones or enough of them to control the entirety. It’s the question of the parts that make the entirety, how it will behave. With the change of one part all relations inside of the whole change to keep balance, because of the stability of the entirety. The physical parts don’t define the entirety – if one part is replaced with the one that behaves the same the entirety keeps balance.

problem: define the elements

The algorithm in its process of generating elements leads to singularity not to multiplicity. That means it should be controlled by another algorithm – by an outer system that makes a selection of possibilities and leads the track of existence to the single reality.

problem: doubt, dualities

searching for the ideal city...

The algorithm generates elements. The elements relate to each other, relations create truth and choose the reality that is happening. Change is the algorithm’s basic capability. It restricts the decision on the choice between the multiplicity of possibilities and which each choice appears a change of the number of elements and of their relations.

The algorithm of choice has to contain constant criterions that describe on an abstract level what is expected from the elements that are to be chosen to continue the track.

problem: define criterions

morphology of terrain>>
perception, access, organisation presence of water>>
connection, hygiene, energy

when the criterions of the place are fulfilled cycles>>
time of the realisation of a change end>>
establishment of the trend towards the reduction of variety

social structure>>
groups of human individuals, that establish relation between each other
built structure>>
communication – connection, influences (social, physical structure and surrounding)

searching for the ideal city...

List of possibilities>>

The infinite number of possibilities does not condition necessarily their usage. This state of extreme offer does not make the individual move or grow. This is a state of absolute immobility opposite to the movement through making decisions, choosing constantly a possibility in a certain situation. The alternative for the algorithm city is a system of individual algorithms for making decisions that can be handled, created and changed by the individual.

The ideal city means movement, opportunity of choice, constant change according to the needs or conditions of the individual (in respect of the impact by the surrounding, especially by the information, the individual has).

out of infinite number of possibilities, I chose one by one and that way I create the track of my life
It is a unique track that is formed by making decisions.

The decisions on choices are made on the bases of information.

path \\ decision \\ information

The algorithm of selection is made of semi-permeable units - cells. The complete form that is achieved is one large semi-permeable cell.

The container of all information includes every single perspective of the media units that collect and pass the information. They can be understood like cells of the organism of the information observatory. The server is the container of all information and includes media units physically and in form of software.


searching for the ideal city...


The ideal city is a social structure that consists of non-hierarchical, free and changeably grouped individuals that independently handle different algorithms of choice and decision.

The key to the outer conditioning of the individual is the information that reaches it from the surrounding. My aim is to free this impact of centralization, censorship and control by any individual or group. Like the air belongs to everybody information should be in the air, accessible and not intrusive.

The ideal city can be achieved through the existence of organization of information that gives the principle for a possible social order and of the way of usage of information that provides a variety of access.

The information observatory offers the ultimate list of possibilities of human beings through gathering, organization, adaptation and presentation of data, that the human brain can understand. It represents the ultimate container of all information of the world, that can be obtained (under the precondition that the society evolved in the way that it whishes to make its information accessible and that the individuals whish to participate in the common development). It contains the key for changes of relations in the society preventing the control based on hiding of information. The organization of the use of space as well as the content that is offered inside represent its materialization. The architecture completely serves to express the idea of a possible structure of data or even society.

The physical structure of the ideal city is not the subject of my creation, it demands a structure that is built up and changed step by step by the social structure that accomplishes its needs.



Space is not identical with the flow of information. The functional structure of the object is designed to make it easy to orient oneself in the world of information, to offer information about information and stresses the individual participation in the research. The non-hierarchical structure of data allows research at every moment of all levels of reality.


Besides the object for the info-observatory, the complex contains objects for collecting and storing data, use – research of data bases, exploration and development of information systems and progressive technologies, for simulation of virtual reality and its presentation to the visitors.



The object of the info-observatory is the representative element for the system for collecting, organizing and storing of data. The bigger part of the area is reserved for visitors interested in data research and separated into two units INFORMATION MUSEUM and INFO-WALL (consisting of research cells), that dominate the visual appearance of the object.


The research cells serve for the individual research of the data-base. They are equipped with the multimedia technology that allows the recognition of distinguished characteristics of data. The capacity of one cell offers opportunity for research for up to three users at the same time. The activity of the cells manifests itself on the info-wall (occupied/free) on the back side of the object, resulting in a changing image of differently enlightened cell windows.
